Estimated transit times are provided at checkout, based on the shipping service you select. Please select the fastest service based on your needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Handling time for all orders: Orders are shipped out Monday-Friday 10am-3pm EST. Please allow up to 2 business days for Ground and International orders to be processed and shipped out, and 1 business day for expedited services, such as UPS 2nd-Day and UPS 3-Day Select. Transit may take up to 10 business days for ground shipping, and 2-3 days for expedited shipping services within the U.S. If you need to make more urgent arrangements, send us an email at and we will try to accommodate your needs.
Domestic: USPS First Class ground shipping (excluding Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico & Guam) is provided free of charge. UPS Ground, UPS 2nd Day, and UPS 3-Day Select are also available for an additional fee which is calculated at checkout according to destination and carrier retail rates.
International: We ship world wide with the options of DHL, UPS Worldwide Saver, and USPS First Class International. Carrier rates and transit times are calculated at checkout, and cost varies depending on the on the destination and service selected. The customer is responsible for any Duties and Taxes the destination country imposes, and we are not responsible for any delays or other issues that may arise in transit.
Delivery details and tracking information will be provided in your shipping confirmation email.
If for any reason a package is lost during transit, please first alert us by email at A claim must be filed with the shipping carrier and a lost package investigation must be completed before we can replace or refund the item.